Reporting Guidelines and Checklists

2021 IDEAL Reporting Guidelines

In addition to the update to the IDEAL Framework there has been a need to help researchers further with using IDEAL principles and reporting their research.

We have now developed reporting guidelines for the IDEAL stages using a Delphi Consensus process.

[Say something about what’s in them.]

Bilbro NA, Hirst A, Paez A, Vasey B, Pufulete M, Sedrakyan A, McCulloch P; IDEAL Collaboration Reporting Guidelines Working Group. The IDEAL Reporting Guidelines: A Delphi Consensus Statement Stage Specific Recommendations for Reporting the Evaluation of Surgical Innovation. Ann Surg. 2021 Jan 1;273(1):82-85. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000004180. PMID: 32649459.

IDEAL Stage Checklists

[Say something about the purpose of these checklists].

Word and PDF versions for each