Jane Blazeby is Professor of Surgery at the University of Bristol and an Honorary Consultant Surgeon at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.
She studied Medicine at the University of Bristol and undertook higher surgical training in the South West of England. Jane has a long-standing interest in patient centred surgical care and standards of surgery.
She has developed and validated an international portfolio of patient reported outcome measures which are widely used in clinical trials in surgical oncology. She collaborates with surgeons, methodologists, trialists and patient partners to design and deliver randomised controlled surgical trials. She enjoys embedding methodological research into the trials. She is developing a of team academic surgeons and methodologists with special interests in evaluating surgery. She is working hard to establish evidence based surgical practice in the UK.
Jane directs the Bristol Centre of Surgical Research. The Centre includes the Surgical Innovation theme of the Bristol Biomedical Research Centre and Royal College of England Surgical Trials Centre. The MRC ConDuCT-II Hub for Trials Methodology Research was hosted in the Centre. Jane is Chief Investigator of the NIHR HTA By-Band-Sleeve study in bariatric surgery and she mentors and supports consultant surgeons to become chief and principal investigators. She is a member of the COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials) management group. She is an NIHR Senior Investigator.
Jane has been involved with IDEAL since its inception in 2009. She continues to lead work on how to implement and optimise the IDEAL framework to evaluate surgery and invasive procedures.
Current IDEAL projects:
Within the surgical innovation theme of the Bristol and Weston Biomedical research centre we are undertaking a number of projects related to IDEAL to make early phase surgical innovation safe, transparent and efficient
Macefield RR, Wilson N, Hoffmann C, Blazeby JM, McNair AGK, Avery KNL, Potter S. Outcome selection, measurement and reporting for new surgical procedures and devices: a systematic review of IDEAL/IDEAL-D studies to inform development of a core outcome set. BJS Open. 2020 Oct 4. doi: 10.1002/bjs5.50358. PMID: 33016009
Currie AC, Blazeby JM, Suzuki N, Thomas-Gibson S, Reeves B, Morton D, Kennedy RH Evaluation of an early stage innovation for full-thickness excision of benign colonic polyps using the IDEAL framework. Colorectal Disease 2019 April 16; (Doi: 10.1111/codi.14650). [PMID 30993857]
Hirst A, Philippou Y, Blazeby JM, Campbell B, Campbell M, Feinberg J, Rovers M, Blencowe N, Pennell C, Quinn T, Rogers W, Cook J, Kolias AG, Agha R, Dahm P, Sedrakyan A, McCulloch P. No surgical Innovation without evaluation: Evolution and further development of the IDEAL framework and recommendations. Ann Surg. 2018 Apr 24. (DOI:10.1097/SLA.0000000000002794) [PMID: 2967448]
McCulloch P, Cook JA, Altman DG, Heneghan C, Diener MK; IDEAL Group (35 collaborators incl. Blazeby JM). IDEAL framework for surgical innovation 1: the idea and development stages. BMJ. 2013 Jun 18; 346:f3012. (DOI:10.1136/bmj.f3012) (PMID: 23778427). [PMCID: PMC3685515]
Ergina PL, Barkun JS, McCulloch P, Cook JA, Altman DG, Heneghan C, Diener MK; IDEAL Group (35 collaborators incl. Blazeby JM). IDEAL framework for surgical innovation 2: observational studies in the exploration and assessment stages. BMJ. 2013 Jun 18; 346:f3011. (DOI:10.1136/bmj.f3011) [PMID: 23778426]. [PMCID: PMC3685514]
Cook JA, McCulloch P, Blazeby JM, Beard DJ, Marinac-Dabic D, Sedrakyan A; IDEAL group. IDEAL framework for surgical innovation 3: randomised controlled trials in the assessment stage and evaluations in the long-term study stage. BMJ. 2013 Jun 18; 346:f2820. (DOI:10.1136/bmj. f2820) (PMID: 23778425). [PMCID: PMC3685513]
Blazeby JM, Blencowe NS, Titcomb DR, Metcalfe C, Hollowood AD, Barham CP. Demonstration of the IDEAL recommendations for evaluating and reporting surgical innovation in minimally invasive oesophagectomy. Br J Surg. 2011 Apr; 98(4):544-51. (DOI:10.1002/bjs.7387) [PMID: 21246515]
McCulloch P, Altman DG, Campbell WB, Flum DR, Glasziou P, Marshall JC, Nicholl J; Balliol Collaboration, Aronson JK, Barkun JS, Blazeby JM, Boutron IC, Campbell WB, Clavien PA, Cook JA, Ergina PL, Feldman LS, Flum DR, Maddern GJ, Nicholl J, Reeves BC, Seller CM, Strasberg SM, Meakins JL, Ashby D, Black N, Bunker J, Burton M, Campbell M, Chalkidou K, Chalmers I, de Leval M, Deeks J, Ergina PL, Grant A, Gray M, Greenhalgh R, Jenicek M, Kehoe S, Lilford R, Littlejohns P, Loke Y, Madhock R, McPherson K, Meakins J, Rothwell P, Summerskill B, Taggart D, Tekkis P, Thompson M, Treasure T, Trohler U, Vandenbroucke J. No surgical innovation without evaluation: the IDEAL recommendations. Lancet. 2009 Sep 26; 374(9695):1105-12. (DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61116-8) [PMID: 19782876]